If you use web server software that is not listed, please consult your web server's documentation for information on configuring it for use with NetCloak.
In particular, check for support for W*API plug-ins, and look for information about setting up file "suffix mappings" and creating "actions" or "action handlers".
The NetCloak plug-in automatically registers an action called "CLOAK_PI", and registers a suffix mapping which maps the ".nclk" file suffix to the "CLOAK_PI" action. You should also be able to modify the suffix mapping for ".html" files so that they are handled by the "CLOAK_PI" action (and thus the NetCloak plug-in).
The NetCloak CGI must be configured manually. You should create an "action" named "CLOAK" that defines a path to "NetCloak.acgi" as its handler, and then create a "suffix mapping" that maps ".nclk" files (and optionally ".html" files) to the NetCloak action.